Local Brush Fires Affecting North Reading and Surrounding Communities

Large brush fires in Saugus and Lynn have affected the surrounding communities, including North Reading, with the odor and visible haze of smoke from those fires.

Multiple mutual aid communities, including North Reading, and Task Forces have responded to assist Lynn and Saugus.

While this is known and can account for most of what we see today, the North Reading Fire Department is urging citizens to report conditions that appear worse than what we are currently experiencing, steady columns of smoke versus the current haze, or you are in doubt.

The Fire Department cannot discount the possibility that other brush fires have started due to the current drought and meteorological conditions.

The North Reading Fire Department is cautioning all residents to be extremely vigilant and careful regarding the current fire conditions.  The Fire Department has responded to numerous, smaller brush and mulch fires that have been caused by citizens carelessly disposing smoking materials.  With the current conditions, these can develop into larger multi-day fires, in short order, requiring manpower and resources from surrounding communities to assist with extinguishment efforts.