Department Overview

The North Reading Fire Department operates a varied delivery of services to the community. While fire suppression is still perceived to be the Department’s primary function, it is only a segment of our daily operations. To meet the changing needs of the community, our services have diversified to handle such specialized areas as technical, high angle, confined space and water rescues, vehicle extrication, and structural collapse. Hazardous materials responses include industrial spills, suspected acts of bio-terrorism (white powder calls), investigation of hazardous atmospheres (gas leaks, carbon monoxide alarms) are becoming more prevalent. Code enforcement and inspections, along with Public Education and Fire Prevention activities are a major focus of resources when not answering fire or medical emergencies, as are conducting equipment maintenance, or training for all of the above.



North Reading Fire Department Building Project

Learn more about the Fire Station Building Project, review meeting agendas, minutes and presentations, along with helpful information.

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North Reading Fire Department 2024 Stats

78Fires Fought
1Rescue/EMS Calls
495Service Calls
305Good Intent Calls